

Northrop Grumman

I am an FTL engineer at Northrop Grumman.
I have been working full time at the company for 2 years and previously interened for 5 summers.

FTL (Future Technical Leader) Systems Engineer

August 2022 - Present

  • Part of FTL rotation program designed to accelerate development of technical and leadership skills
  • Rotating through various teams across the company to learn different design and leadership techniques in different areas
  • Attending leadership workshops, conferences, and working through technical challenges to refine skillset

AI Research Engineer, Beavercreek, Ohio (Virtually)

August 2022 - Present

  • Part of AI Center of Excellence designed to provide AI based solutions to enhance existing products
  • My main focus has been productizing computer vision system to detect and classify UAVs.
    • Led design of system tests and dataset curation
    • Researching auto zoom, focus, and image enhancement methods to improve image quality and model accuracy
    • Lead systems engineering with mentorship from senior technical leader
  • Explored usage of genetic algorithms for command and control in unstable environments
  • Supporting additional project to develop reinforcement learning models to monitor and characterize the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum

Software Engineer

May 2021 - July 2022

  • Software development of MRV(Mission Robotic Vehicle) & MEP(Mission Extension Pod) spacecraft
  • Spacecraft designed to extend lifetime of existing satellites by performing repairs using the MRV and providing additional resources, including fuel, power, and communications, using the MEP
  • Lead software development for MEP Star Trackers, Docking Camera, Capture Mechanism, and Antenna Thrusters subsystems
  • Designed flexible framework for register management with intention to be reusable on future missions
  • Worked with various subsystem leads to design interface specifications
  • Hosted design reviews for completed components and supported reviews for other team members and subsystem components. Included designing slides for overall system design reviews for PDR and CDRs

AI Software Research Intern, El Segundo, California (Virtually)

May - August 2020

  • Supported distributed autonomy team working to enhance autonomous capabilities of aircraft
  • Researched multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms and their applications into existing infrastructure and software
  • Led implementation of selected algorithms and creation of testing environments for performing benchmarks

Software Intern, Aurora, Colorado

May - August 2018, 2019

  • Developed software for a situational awareness project consisting of a suite of programs spanning multiple languages
  • Enhanced infrastructure, eliminating race-conditions and improving program stability
  • Mentored other interns and helped new employees get acclimated to the project

May - August 2017

  • Implemented software to handle and synchronize data across a suite of applications supporting military training efforts
  • Supported documentation efforts as the project was transferred to a different business unit
  • Gained experience working in an AGILE environment for the first time, with daily standups

June - August 2016

  • Created an in-house project developing training modules for employees waiting to receive clearances to start their projects
  • Developed skills working in a team in a professional setting

Collaborative Lab for Advancing Work in Space (CLAWS)

I have worked with the CLAWS team since helping found it back in 2018. Over the years I have had various roles, both leading the team and supporting the newer and younger leadership.

AI Lead

September 2020 - May 2021

  • Led development of Conversational AI named VEGA (Voice Entity for Guiding Astronauts) using the Rasa platform to help astronauts as they perform tasks
  • Explored other uses for AI in CLAWS, include RIGEL (Rock Identification for Geological Evaluation), a computer vision application designed to help astronauts identify geological samples
  • Developed interfaces to integrate VEGA with other CLAWS components, including Mission Control Center and ATLAS
  • Provided mentorship and assistance to other CLAWS team members on all subsystems as needed

System Administrator

September 2019 - August 2020

  • Wrote winning proposals for NASA SUITS and X-HAB challenges to develop Augmented Reality (AR) application named ATLAS (AR Toolkit for Lunar Astronauts and Scientists) for the HoloLens designed to be used by astronauts
  • Researched computer vision techniques for the RIGEL (Rock Identification and Geological EvaLuation) project designed to detect lunar hazards and helping astronauts navigate the lunar surface
  • Created robust multi-threaded infrastructure for AR application to be used in current and future CLAWS applications
  • Designed communication protocols between mission control center server and HoloLens
  • Established and maintained a secure server hosting multiple virtual machines and webservers
  • Trained and mentored other members of the team in both technical and non-technical skills
  • Held design reviews with multiple NASA agencies and other stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle

Software Lead

October 2018 - August 2019

  • Helped found the CLAWS team as a response to the NASA SUITS competition to design an AR interface to help astronauts on their missions
  • Developed the MEISSA (Modernizing EVAS for ISS Astronauts) application which used the Microsoft HoloLens to replace antiquated EVA technology
  • Setup framework for the team's current and future work, including designing the core infrastructure
  • Held design reviews with the NASA SUITS staff at Johnson Space Center throuhgout the development of the project
  • Tested with flight controllers and other NASA staff at Johnson Space Center

Michigan Exploration Lab (MXL)

MXL is a research lab at the University of Michigan that works with both cubesats and high altitude balloons to develop and test new technologies.

Undergraduate Researcher

October 2016 - May 2020

  • Led software work for MC-9 satellite designed to test piezoelectric actuators in low Earth orbit
  • Worked according to systems engineering design principles as part of exploratory team to integrate MXL teams with Aerospace course work
  • Developed software and helped with operations post launch for twin TBEx satellites designed to study bubbles in ionosphere
  • Created software suite for testing LED technology on a high altitude balloon with plans to use it to determine the attitude of satellites by observing the LEDs via telescope
  • Constructed and deployed payloads to record and live stream video across the world of the 2017 eclipse from a high altitude balloon

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)

University of Michigan Chapter

SEDS is a global organization of students who are passionate abotu space exploration and development. The University of Michigan chapter serves as an umbrella organization for various projects and initiatives that its members are working on.

Head of Projects

April 2019 - April 2020

  • Managed all project teams in the organization ensuring timely progress is being made and impediments are resolved
  • Organized first annual Space Symposium Day, a conference showcasing work done in the space industry. The conference included work done across the industry and research institutes, with a focus on the the work done at the university by its professors, project teams, and research groups. Converted the conference to a virtual format following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Led initial efforts starting new projects, including a miniature rover for use in outreach events that provides a platform for new software and hardware experiments

Outreach Chair

April 2018 - April 2019

  • Organized outreach events with various K-12 schools, including the semi-annual aerospace day event hosted by the University's Aerospace department
  • Developed T-Shirt shooter shaped like the Space Launch System rocket to be used at outreach events


University of Michigan

Masters in Computer Science Engineering

August 2020 - May 2021


  • Advanced Programming Languages, Artificial Intelligence, Adversarial Machine Learning, Compilers, Computer Security, Cryptography

Bachelor's in Computer Science Engineering

Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering

Minor in Mathematics

September 2016 - May 2020


  • Computer Science: Machine Learning, Operating Systems, Computer Security, Computer Vision, Conversational AI, Computer Organization, Data Structures and Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Machine Learning for Affective Computing
  • Aerospace Engineering: Aerodynamics, Controls, Propulsion, Spacecraft Dynamics, Spacecraft Systems Engineering, Structures
  • Mathematics: Modern Algebra, Introduction to Fourier Analysis, Linear Algebra, Multivariate Calculus, Differential Equations

Graduate Student Instructor - EECS 484 Database Systems

August 2020 - May 2021

  • Senior level course introducing students to database management systems considering implementations and usage
  • Managed team of undergraduate instructors, developing assignments and exams while ensuring smooth operations
  • Taught weekly discussion sections while also hosting office hours to help students with course content and assignments
  • Led design of course material, including projects, homework, exams, and discussion slides
  • Performed system administator responsibilities for course server used by students for development and testing of SQL scripts
  • Handled adaption to remote learning for first full remote semester due to COVID-19 pandemic

Instructional Aide - EECS 498 Conversational AI

January 2020 - May 2020

  • Senior level capstone course leading students to develop their own conversational AI agents for real world applications in small teams
  • Requires mix of both conversational AI development and integration with developed application to provide utility
  • Helped students with development of both their AI and their application along with debugging
  • Taught usage of the Rasa conversational AI platform
  • Developed grading framework and assignments with other IA and course instructor
  • Worked with course staff to migrate course online mid-semester due to COVID-19 pandemic


  • James B. Angell Scholar: Awarded for achieving an "A" record for consecutive terms
  • Dean's Honor List (6 times): Awarded for taking 12 or more credits with a GPA of 3.5 or better
  • EECS Scholar: Awarded for being an EECS Senior with a GPA greater than 3.9 as of Fall 2018
  • Boeing Endowed Scholar: Awarded by Boeing and the College of Engineering in recognition of academic achievements